KIM: Inspirational love quotes are really starting to piss
me off. “You must love yourself
before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are,
your simple presence can make others happy.” I have heard this quote many times over the years. My mom uses it every single time I call
her to complain about being alone.
I call for advice and I hear this quote and then she prays for me. A quote and a prayer aren’t really
advice, Mom.
DONNA: I pray people will stop quoting this to me: “You’ll
find the right one when you’re ready.” Are you sure? How sure? Like 72% sure?
What facts do you have to back this up? If you’re gonna throw this in my face
(the suggestion that I’m not in a relationship because I lack “readiness” - as opposed to all of those other
relationship-ready geniuses who are hitched or hooked-up and ready to do murder
to their similarly relationship-ready-paragons-of-emotional-maturity
lifemates), the least you can do is offer charts and graphs to support this
hypothesis. Pony up with the data or give it a fucking rest. Readiness = Good
Man Magically Materializes Before You. Hogwash poppycock unicorns.
KIM: I hate these quotes. I know they have truth to them; if you are a miserable
person in general, you aren’t going to suddenly find yourself blissfully happy
upon finding yourself in the midst of coupledom. If you do, it probably won’t last long.
For emotionally mature and un-crippled single people
everywhere, I call bullshit.
Quotes like these imply that as soon as you love yourself, whatever that
means, you’ll find love and hearts and rainbows and flowers and kittens. The implication is that if you are
single and not happy about it, it’s your fault because you don’t love yourself.
So, does the fact that I have been single for an eternity
mean that I don’t love myself? I’m
going to have to answer “no” – I think I’m a pretty awesome chick.
DONNA: Agreed. Kim is awesome. Please continue.
KIM: Thanks, Donna, I appreciate it even though you’re my
friend and have to say that. But,
let’s use me as test case for this quote. I think I’m awesome; therefore I
should be completely happy with my weekend ritual of hot dates with Redbox and
my dog, right? WRONG! But I love myself; I should be happy no
matter what, even in my pjs at 8:00 pm on a Friday night watching, “Camel Spiders,” right? WRONG! The whole premise falls apart and
starts a never-ending spiral of contradictions. The inconsistency boggles the mind. As does “Camel Spiders.” They only have 6 legs in some scenes;
they aren’t spiders! Insects six,
spiders eight…idiots.
DONNA: Kim, what’s with the weird shit you watch? Seriously,
girlfriend, you watch some weird shit.
KIM: It’s what they had at Redbox. Can we start a movement to ban use of quotes like these in
normal “I’m-tired-of-being-single” complaint situations? People need to stop before use and ask
themselves, “Does she regularly sit in the corner on weekends crying and
rocking while watching ‘The Notebook’ and knitting sweaters for her cat?”
DONNA: The only women I know who do things like that are
married. Just sayin’.
KIM: Eh, I don’t know if I can say the same thing but I
don’t think it’s an epidemic.
Hopefully though the answer is “No, she does not knit cat sweaters and
cry.” In this situation, for the sake and pride of awesome single chicks
everywhere – do NOT use this quote.
Or any quote for that matter.
Remind her she’s awesome and tell her horror stories about your
relationship or marriage. That
always helps.
DONNA: I propose we start a new hackneyed-overly-simplistic
saying: “When you love yourself, your marriage problems will be solved.” It
makes lots of sense, and by ‘lots of sense’ I mean no sense. Nonsense. It makes
nonsense. It’s nonsense. I’ll stop now.
KIM: Did you turn into The Mad Hatter for a minute? Anyway, if the answer to “The Notebook”
cat sweater question is “yes” you’ve got a whole new set of problems on your
hands. “The Notebook” and cat
sweaters are never okay.
Ever. Seriously. Ever.
DONNA: You must love yourself enough not to watch film
adaptations of Nicholas Sparks’s novels.
KIM: Well, at least enough not to cry and knit sweaters
while watching them. Maybe if
they’re for Ryan Gosling’s cats?
You two are HILARIOUS!!! Love this, love you witty totally awesome chicks you!!! ~Jenn